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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
The Simple Guy from Shillong, Trying to make my place among the teeming millions in Bangalore, and dreaming of a few thing, away from my reach...

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Foolish Story

Dear Reader,
Let me clarify at the outset that I am not writing a story. I am not a story-teller and I cannot bore myself to death in this attempt. However, I am not taking the guarantee that I will not bore you. The risk of you sleeping also exists, so please consider this disclaimer before you continue.

Well, this as not about you or me, but is about a boy. This is about how he falls in love; and this is about how he falls... This is the reason why this story stands foolish on the face of it. This is why it is a foolish story. Well, let me explain how.

There was this boy, who falls in love, knowing that his falling in love would trigger many issues and controversies. But you know how it is, right? The whole "love is blind" thing. If it ever applied to a person's situation, it did for this boy. Well, he falls in love, and then he keeps on falling. I guess thats why they say you 'FALL' in love. So he just kept on falling deeper and deeper.

The twist in the story is that he just kept falling, but did nothing about the love. He kept ignoring the love, and kept on taking it for granted. Thank God he woke up one day and saw what he was doing. So he tried patch-up work. He started to do the needful in terms of his love. Eventually, he started realizing that he loved what he was doing. It was no more patch-up but was his way of showing he cared, and, of course, that he LOVED!!!

Well, what he failed to realize was in two-folds. One, the damage was already done! It was practically impossible to mend what he had done. The second truth was a little more difficult. It was that he was second in the race. Strangely the race was not for getting his love, but it was about proving himself. He was constantly in comparison with another person. Whatever he did, was always supposed to match someone else, and more than often he would fail miserably.

Well, I know I have already proved my case about the 'foolishness' in the story, but the icing in the cake is left, and that comes now. Today, this idiot is still in love, still falling deeper and deeper in love, but that has no more meaning, because his competition is going away. Well, I know that would seem to be a good news, but what you fail to realize is that when the competition goes off, his love also ends. Now, the life and consequences of his competition's life is deciding his life, and you can bet on how it is turning out to be.

Well? Do I not successfully prove that it is a 'FOOLISH STORY'!!!

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